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:: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 ::

On Tuesday March 27 2003 all three Free-sites were collapsed into one. While Freelistenin' and The Freewheelin' Reader will continue to house their archived articles all three sites will now post on the revamped Freewheelin' Reader. I've decided that hosting three separate sites is kind of pointless. The web address for the new Freewheelin' Reader will remain unchanged from the old Freewheelin' address.
tim 3:08 PM [+]
:: Monday, May 26, 2003 ::
Movement Festival
Heading into it's third year the Detroit Electronic Music Festival had some financial difficulties but it's up and running.
Read more.

tim 11:30 AM [+]
Ethiopia Hosts its Own Live Aid
Concert organizers are attempting to raise 1 million dollars US through their concert A Birr for a Compatriot. A birr is their currency and it's worth about 12 cents US. A modest effort by all accounts. Good luck though.
Read more here and here.

tim 11:21 AM [+]
:: Saturday, May 24, 2003 ::
People are buying songs but most are still downloading for free.
tim 10:36 AM [+]
:: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 ::
Scorsese to interview Dylan for the BBC.
tim 9:55 AM [+]
The Onion interview with Todd Rungren.
tim 9:04 AM [+]
:: Saturday, May 17, 2003 ::
This interview Almost Passed Me By
The McLean's interview with Sam Roberts. You rarely read such flattering praise for a new artists. Actually all the praise is a little over the top - it almost reads like it was written by the leader of his fan club. The only dirt dished is on Nelly Furtado and some crappy live performance she gave. All in all worth reading though it does seem a little unnesecary to blast Furtado in a story about Roberts.
tim 11:24 AM [+]
Noel Redding

The Bassist for the Jimi Hendrix Experience passed away earlier this week.
The Hendrix Experience was a truly influential band for me. I remember so clearly buying Are You Experienced from John Barban (he had an extra copy) back in high school. I bought it b/c I thought it was a best of compilation. Man, what a phenomenal first effort. I worshiped the Experience along with their contemporaries such as Bob Dylan and the Dead.
Redding will be sadly missed.
Read more.
tim 11:09 AM [+]
June Carter Cash

While I can't say I knew that much about June Carter Cash, or that I even liked her voice that much I know enough and respect her enough to say she came from a legendary musical family and did her part to continue that tradition both on her own and through her contributions with her husband Johnny Cash.
Read more
tim 2:45 AM [+]
:: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 ::
Just When I Thought There'd Be Nothing To Post
In my opinion, today is an extremely slow news day. I thought there was going to be nothing to report whatsoever. Then I came across this. San Francisco area rapper Paris has released a new album called Sonic Jihad. Paris, most famous for his single The Devil Made Me Do It, has decided that the debate surrounding US foreign policies and the wars in the Middle East aren't muddied enough so he thought he'd release a new album giving his side of the story. He's free to do that, in fact I say congrat's to him. The trouble in my opinion is that nobody is ever going to hear the album let alone see it on the shelves. Why won't the album get widespread airplay and acclaim? Because the album cover artwork is a picture of a fourth plane flying into the White House.
That's good and agitating.

tim 10:16 AM [+]
:: Sunday, May 04, 2003 ::
The trouble with Macy Gray...
tim 2:06 PM [+]
The Music Industry Goes Guerilla
The music industry is so peeved about downloads that they've decided to start experimenting with illegal ways to stop us from doing it.
They're going to start attacking our computers and interrupting our connection speeds. I guess the irritating spoofing plan hasn't worked well enough for them. Don't these tactics remind you of someone, or rather a group of people? That's right, hackers. A lot of what these companies are threatening to do (and some of these strategies are already in place) are really very creepy. They can come into your computer, whilst your asleep, and delete files. What else can they do? More than you think.

tim 12:18 PM [+]

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